It seems everyone these days has the need to store their files in popular cloud services for easy and immediate access. Storage all your files on your local device is a thing of the past with the emergence of cloud storage services. There are a number of cloud storage services to choose from. One of the most popular being DropBox. DropBox the service that adds and extra drive to your PC or other storage device and stores all your files in the cloud for easy access. With all the files that are stored in the cloud what if you need to store some files securely and ensure that if there is any compromise you know your files are safe and secure. Enter BoxCryptor the service that allows you to do just that. with BoxCryptor you can safely and securely store your files on services like DropBox and the service also uses AES-256 standard to encrypt your files. We had previously written about a service called Data Locker and BoxCryptor is an alternative that you can use.

BoxCryptor: How does it work
lets you store your files on-the-fly and it is a fast and easy service to use. The service is available for for Windows, Android and iOS - and even support Mac OS X and Linux. Once you start uploading files each file is encrypted individually and stored in a folder of your choice. Once stored all your files are avialble to you on any of your devices - computer, SmartPhone or tablet. So using your iOS or Android device you can upload and store your files securely even on-the-go. You can even drag and drop existing files into your BoxCryptor folder to safely encrypt and store them, the service also decrypts in real-time BoxCryptor uses the AES-256 standard to encrypt and protect all your files. The Standar AES-256 is classified by the U.S. Government to protect data that is “TOP SECRET” information. In addition to this, BoxCryptor also uses filename encryption.
Check out BoxCryptor here.
Another alternative that is completely free of charge and also allows sharing of files is Cloudfogger (