GANGNAM STYLE - by Korean K-pop artist PSY has now crossed over 218 million views in just over two months. These numbers are staggering but what is more staggering is the number of Gangnam Style parodies that are being churned out. There are people creating their own Gangnam style videos, flash mobs and what have you not. One pressing thing however seems to be that people get the dance wrong - once you know how to do the four step horse dance. You look at every other video now on YouTube to see if people creating their parody videos are getting it right - sadly many of them get it wrong. So what is the correct way to do the Gangnam style dance. Well, check the video below to see PSY teaching you his original dance.

How to do the Gangnam Style dance
1. You need to keep your body fluid and in motion.
2. Pretend your riding an invisible horse.
3. Cross your arms at your wrists.
5. Start with your right leg and step once and then left leg step once and back to your right leg and step twice. Well, watch the video below and learn how to do the correct Gangnam Style
This video is from the Ellen show where PSY teaches Britney Spears to do the Gangnam Style.
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