

Thursday, November 26, 2009

A Facebook suicide Group Being Investigated in Hong Kong

Imagine a Facebook group being created asking people to commit mass suicide on Dec 21. Thats ewxactly what happenned. The group has since been taken doen. But police say they are truinmg to contact all the 190 members which of course if not possible as people from different countries had joined the group.

The South China Morning Post said the person who started the group had written that it was "meant to be an inside joke", where people talked humorously about ways to take their lives.

The police said they would like to provide free counseling for both students and parents. To help prevent such acts. Apparently there was a female member of the group who posted pictures of herself trying to commit suicide in school.

What started out as a joke could have proved to be very costly. Things have been stopped and providing free suicide prevention methods I think is a good initiative.

An original post by


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