

Monday, November 23, 2009

Display Advertising to be the next billion dollar business at Google

Yes Google is going full steam ahead with display advertising. The First major step seems to be its acquisition of Teracent. Ads that are displayed on the web are categorized into two; Text Ads and Display Ads. text ads are the ones you see on most sites on the web. They are displayed beside this post also. Display ads are ads that could show banners, graphics and what not. These are used by large companies as they are good fort branding. So when an Ad is displayed a display ad can show you the store nearest to you with directions and a photo included.

Currently Yahoo is the leader in dispaly ads with 14.5 percent market share in September, according to comScore. This type of Advertising says Google could be the next billion dollar business.

Google did not disclose the terms of the Teracent deal

An original post by


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