

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Facebook, JP Morgan Chase Giving $5 Million to charity

The program is called chase community giving. facebook users will vote for which small organization across the United States is deserving of winning. You can start voting from now till Dec 15th. When the top 100 charities will be announced. From he 15th Of December another round of voting will last till the 29th. 5 runner ups will be announce along with the grand prize winner on Jan 1st.

The top five runners-up will receive $100,000 each and the 100 finalists, including the top winners, will be awarded $25,000 each. Along with the grand prize winner who will be awarded 1Million

So if you wand to take part in this program here's the link http://apps.facebook.com/chasecommunitygiving/

Access it now to make a difference

An original post by


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