

Saturday, November 28, 2009

GPS tool to help illegal immigrants

A San Diego professor has developed a cell phone tool that would help guide illegal immigrants across the border. Ricardo Dominguez said the primary reason for developing the tool was " To offer a way for people who are crossing the border a way not to die". This is because an estimated 3,861 to 5,607 people have died over the last 15 years trying to cross the border.

The tool works much the way GPS works and helps people to get from one destination to the other plotting the shortest and safest possible way. many illegal immigrants die while trying to cross be getting lost or being abandoned by smugglers.

"This cheap app can and will be used by Mexican drug cartels, drug and human smugglers and foreign criminals to commit their crimes on the American side of the border," Schwilk said. "When that happens, Dominguez may be subject to felony aiding and abetting charges."

As a human you do not want people to die with the dreams of a better life. Rules are made to protect those whom it is made for. It's interesting though to see how this debate turns out.

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