

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Man Vs Machine

Real-Time Search Directories

With the release of Twitter's user lists which by the way is user generated it opens up for us something that in the last decade was taken over by machines. Storing and indexing of web sites has been religated to the management of machines with less and less human intervention. Yahoo one of the earliest directories on the web experimented for a while with human based search directory additions but gave up on the effort. Well things on the interenet has come full circle. True it might be run by machines but man is winning. Human intellignece and brotherhood. That is what is standing tall.

Twitter's users create lists and share them with friends. This is what I follow and recommend. And so we go to our friends and see what they recommend. Search engines work well but how well. Aren't we most of the time hit by spammy sites. But we do trust our friends and know they will not deceive us but directing us to scammy accounts.

Twitter's list have opened up a whole new world. Real-time search, yes you can now login to twitter find the latest buzz on the net and also see what people are saying about it.

Stated as a company to tell others what your up to. You now are asked the question " What Happening?". This is how things have changed. And this is probably only the beginning. Human networking will keep evolving and become clearer. The day will come when we need to search for something and will probably not use a search engine but go to a friend who has a great list or a real-time search compilation of the information you wanted that has been vetted and tried.
Intelligence... Will it be man or machine????

An original post by


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