

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Red Haired Boy Beaten On "Kick A Ginger" Day

Police are probing the assault on a boy that has red hair. This possibly happened as a result of a Facebook page saying it was "Kick a Ginger Day". He was beaten by 14 of his classmates.

Police are also investigating whether assault charges can be laid.

To Reported by the LA Times

The boy was kicked and hit in two incidents on the campus of A.E. Wright Middle School by as many as 14 of his classmates, Lt. Richard Erickson said. The students who participated in the attack may have been motivated by a Facebook message telling them that Friday was "Kick a Ginger Day," Erickson said.

A very simple question is being asked over and over again. Doesn't Facebook monitor these pages. Does Facebook need to approve every page that is created?

An original post by


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