

Monday, November 23, 2009

Social Media And Businesses

Companies both large and small are turning to social networking sites for a number of reasons.

1. With the large pool of people on these sites it becomes necessary to have a presence on the sites. Facebook offers pages where companies can create their profile and users or fans can join these pages and get up to date information from the company. It adds a real social feel to the company and new product role outs can now be done live on a Facebook page.

2. Twitter with its versatile openness to one and all offers companies to reach out to customers and clients much more easily. People find their fav companies on twitter and become followers. This allows companies to much more easily push their products and their services. Feedback is also live as they can track in real-time what is being said about them.

3. Companies needs to have a social presence. It seems much easier to have a social presence than to have a social site. It is less expensive as Facebook and Twitter can Handel the traffic and they in themselves are mediums that are as of now irreplaceable in terms of effectiveness and reach.

4. Companies can now like never before add real-time responsiveness to their services. Addressing issues that may crop up immediately with without delay thereby saving a lot of time and hard work which would have otherwise become time consuming and arduous.

5. Social Sites offer a new way to stay in touch clear doubt and rive new business. It also saves on money. Traditional ads are not required and all you need to do is invest in your Twitter account or you Facebook page. People are naturally drawn towards accounts that are looked after well and implemented with proper reach and handling.

Companies choosing to not join this bandwagon have a lot to loose. it is better to jump on and see your business soar than to tread in the old time media that is absolutely lost in this century.

An original post by


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