

Monday, November 23, 2009

Social Media Very Popular on Xbox Live

With Microsoft offering Facebook, Twitter and last.fm live on the Xbox. The company is reporting that there are millions of people now using it. As reported by cnet.com

Accoring to the statistics available

"the first-week figures show that at least 2 million Xbox Live users have logged into Facebook, and that half a million Last.fm accounts were created in the first 24 hours of availability. Dennis didn't address how many Xbox Live users have used the service's Twitter feature, except to say that there have been "tweets from nearly every market where we have Xbox Live."

The numbers are set to increase with the total number of Xbox live users being 20 million. Since the above statistics are only for the first week of it's launch. Its sure to increase as more poeple try it. The implementation lacks some of the richness of the original sites. But is sure seems to be enagaging as we see from the large number of poeple using the social networks through Xbox live

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