

Friday, November 20, 2009

Sony's New Store

To keep it simple Sony plans to start a store what wouldent just sell, digital music, movies and books. They will try to connect users with each other as reported by an article in BusinessWeek. This service will be called Sony Online Service. So as soon as you buy a TV or a music player. Sony plans to register the user for this service. Which is aimed at creating brand loyalty and more communication within a large network of Sony fans.

So once you register for the service it would be easy for you to share the videos you photos with your friends across the network. They might also be live streaming. These are the kinds of social features they plan to have across the network. Kind of like an iTunes store but with more social features bringing in a community feel. There will be a button to tell you what your friends are watching.

With its huge network of 33 million registered users sony sells downloadable games, TV Shows and Movies.

Future plans include allowing other websites also onto the service. So you could watch a video on Sony Online service and flick the channel and upload it to YouTube.

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