

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Twitter Tunes

Music composed in the signature 140 character limit. That is what has been done by a researcher from the UK. The album is called sc140 and contains 22 pieces by artists from around the world, each piece created with just 140 characters of code. 

As reported by PCworld

" "It all started a few months ago," said Stowell, who is studying for his PhD in Queen Mary's Centre for Digital Music (C4DM), in a statement. "I was writing in a programming language - called SuperCollider - that tells a computer what sounds to make and posted a tweet containing the instructions to create a sound like waves crashing on the shore. The next thing I knew people were tweeting back with sounds and music of their own. Some of the tweets made such great music that I couldn't just let them vanish into the ether. So I brought all the best ones together in an online album."

Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" would looks like this in a Tweet:


Download this Album here "
After listening to all the pieces of music I must say it is really very interesting. Sometimes you are suspended in musical animation. Wondering if someone out there is trying to communicate with you. Check it out!

An original post by


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