

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

10 step guide in choosing a Netbook

Netbooks are small computers designed with internet use and portability in mind. They can also handle word and  spreadsheets. They are really not suited for games and high end graphics. Their main use is to surf the internet, answer e-mail, update your blog, access your social sites and stay online and in touch.

There are a few things to look out for when choosing your Netbook

1. Weight. Since you may want the Netbook primarily for on-the-go internet usage. A heavy Netbook will defeat the very purpose.

2. Sleek Design. This is just for aesthetics, since your must carry this computer around you might as well have one that looks cool.

3. Battery Life. Without which portability becomes a huge issue. make sure you get one with a long battery life, enabling you to work on the go.

4 USB Ports.Your Netbook has to have enough USB and other connectivity ports as you would definately be wanting to connect other devices to your Netbook.

5. Graphics Card. Check the graphics card before you buy a Netbook. The newer the model the better the graphics card. But it is always safe to check.

6. Keyboard. If you type real fast you can check by typing and trying out the Netbook before buying. See if it suits your style of typing and speed you are used to.

7. Processor. Check your processor speed, Intel and Nvidea are the two main providers and both are coming out with great innovations for the Netbook.

8. Size. if you want something that would fit into your purse or travel bags with ease then go for the smaller one, but because of size do not neglect the above mentioned features.

9. Durability. If your a frequent travelling and your Netbook will go through a lot of wear and tear. Please check the outer casing and go for something that would be able to take a beating.

10. Security. You do not need to worry too much about that as most of your secure documents will need to be stored on an external drive. So when on the move you are not going to be carrying a lot of software baggage with your Netbook. Which in turn protects you from online hacks. Remember to store sensitive information on an external drive.

An original post by


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