

Monday, December 14, 2009

Apple delays iMac 27-inch

Apple's new iMac 27-inch has been delayed by a minimum of two weeks. Due to a growing problem with it's graphics card and cracked glass.

"A growing number of buyers have reported receving their computers with cracked screens, screens that flicked on and off, and screens that showed a jaundice-yellow tint. Several customers have also received 27-inch iMacs that were completely dead on arrival - the machines refused to even power on and boot up."

On the apple discussion board you find the Topic
Topic : New iMac 27inch screen flickering/tearing/shutoff? 

U also find the topic on the yellow screens

Topic : Yellow tinge from bottom to top of the screen, 27" iMac

You find there is a whole lot of discussion happening with regards to the latest issues facing the iMac 27.

iMac 27 inche

Here's a configuration of the iMac 27 as found on Ars technica

iMac 27 inch unboxing video

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