

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

AT&T may penalize users who hog data

Just 3% of iPhone customers account for 40% of data traffic on it's network, the company says. At&T plans to introduce a pricing systems that discourages users from using video and audio streaming.

"In a presentation to investors Wednesday, AT&T's head of consumer services, Ralph de la Vega, said that just 3% of iPhone users generate 40% of the data traffic on AT&T's cellphone network."

SmartPhone users pay a monthy fixed rental which allows then unlimited data usage. As such with the heavy amount of straming. The network has gotten a bit choked causing lackluster performance in high traffic areas like New York City, San Francisco and other major networks.

Mr. de la Vega made several company announcements, including a network upgrade in three cities and that AT&T expects to sign its two millionth U-verse subscriber today. He also said AT&T will provide connectivity for the Interead Cooler, an e-reader that will compete with Amazon’s Kindle and Sony’s Reader.

Meanwhile, AT&T was roundly criticized for its late implementation of multimedia messaging and has yet to fulfill its pledge to support wireless tethering by year's end. Bubbling subscriber discontent is apparently hardening, as AT&T was ranked dead last in Consumer Reports' annual wireless customer survey. 

AT&T with it's weakness gave Vorizon the opportunity to highlight it's competitors weakness in a series of TV Ads where the rivals faced of.

AT&T is making a point to show iPhone subscribers that it wants to improve its service. The carrier currently offers iPhone subscribers an app that lets them relay the location of wireless dead spots back to the mothership. The only question iPhone users are asking now is how long it'll take their carrier to fix them.

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