

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Bing now features updated maps and Twitter feed.

bing: Connecting people, places and things. This is the Title of the new Bing blog with the latest announcements. Microsoft has announced that it has further tweaked its search engine Bing. The new features include maps that are located at street level as in Google Maps. You can also move about in different directions to get a better view of the locality. To Access the Bing Maps Beta click here.

There will also be a Twitter feed available for you to find out the latest happenings on the are your searching.

Bing could gain market share once they complete their search and advertising deal with Yahoo. Which will power back-end searches on Yahoo pages.

Found on pcmag a cool new visual tour. Go there if you would like to see early visual of the new features.

They would however need to tweak the photo and Twitter integration to make it more meaningful. Bing continues to take the fight to Google.

One particularly clever app is Photosynth, a photo-management tool from Microsoft that stitches together digital images to create "synths"-- 3-D renderings of multiple photos of the same scene. Bing users can rotate and view the synths from many angles. The more photos supplied by Bing users, the better the 3D effect:

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