

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Facebook and Twitter among Google's top ten most searched

Google has released its annual 2009 Year-End Google Zeitgeist. An annual report which features the most popular search terms. "Michal Jackson" the late king of pop was the top search term. Bing had also shown MJ as it's top search term..

PCMAG.com also observed that:

"Interestingly, two non-English social networks, Tuenti from Spain and Sanalika from Turkey filled out the top five at numbers three and five. Also in the top ten were searches for the new Twilight film, New Moon; Windows 7; and Lady Gaga, plus "torpedo gratis," a Portuguese Web-based service to send SMS messages."

MJ was followed by Facebook, tunti and Twitter respectively. Shows that social networking is on the top of people's interest online. New Moon also made it into the top ten. 

Among the top ten falling search terms is Beijing 2009 and Barack Obama.

An original post by


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