

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Facebook FarmVille game bigger than Twitter

Facebook has announced that it's game "Farmville" has more users than the whole of Twitter. The game was not developed by Facebook but by Zynga. FarmVille now has 70 million monthly users.

The site said that worldwide it was achieving 200 billion page views a month, with 1.6 billion messages are sent daily through its chat tool.
In the UK, Facebook said it had 23 million unique users a month, with each of those logging on spending around 25 minutes on the website per day."

Online gaming is growing really fast. What do you do after you update your status and chat with your friends. Well if you have the free time head over and play some games with them. Keeps everyone tagged either chatting, status updates or online games. Twitter however may not be attracting that kind of a crowd.

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