

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Facebook's New Privacy Controls

facebook is not reporting that it has 350 million users. The company has reported that they are getting rid of local networks. this means that users living in the same area are less likely to see each others data. Also announced was that users can now designate who can view their content. The choices are, frineds, friends of friends or everyone.

To view the privacy controls please click here.

What this means is that users can now mass broadcast their content. Kind of the way Twitter is. This will give some a huge advantage while others might just share more than they meant to. With its large number of users once this feature rolls out on Facebook real-time search will take on a new twist. Twitter will now be able to compete with Twitter with information now flowing freely.

All these changes were announced in an Open Letter from Mark Zuckerberg. To read the letter please click here. He has also created a group called "Free Flow of  Information on the Internet". Which he said helps people who want to share information with those who would like to receive it.

An original post by


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