

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Facebook was the No.1 US site this Xmas

Facebook with its 350 million members pushed the site to be the most visited site this Christmas beating Google for the No 1 spot in the US.

Traffic tracker Hitwise says that

Facebook was the most visited site in the US on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. 1st time the site has been the #1 visited US site ever.

To tap that market and prove itself to large brands, Facebook needs to prove traffic and engagement. Facebook has more than doubled in size this year, surpassing 350 million users. Hitwise reported two weeks ago that Facebook was the third most visited site this year,up from ninth place in 2008. Some of Facebook’s own statistics are even scarier: the average user spends 55 minutes a day on the site.

Even with all the controversies surrounding it's privacy policy there does not seem to be people moving away in 10 and 1000's . So is it a wild guess to know which site is going to be the most visited on New Year's EVE.

An original post by


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