

Monday, December 7, 2009

Google adds real-time search with Facebook, Twitter, Myspace

Google is upgrading it's search engine by adding real-time search. The way this is going to happen is by adding updates from Facebook, Myspace and Twitter beside search queries.

"Google said that over the next few days its users would begin seeing brand-new tweets, blog items, news articles and social networking updates in results for certain topical searches"

Google struck formal deals with Facebook. Twitter and Myspace to officially bring real-time search results. There will hardly be any delay with it's updates.

"Google introduced several other products at its event on Monday. The most ambitious, called Google Goggles, allows people to send Google a cellphone photograph of, say, a landmark or a book, and have information about the contents of the image returned to them instantly."

Google once again bounces back with a feature that was badly needed a long time ago. Search engines cannot afford to ignore the value of real time search. Certian queries are not based on real-time search i.e queries related to research etc. In this world of instant news and fast passed information aggregation real-time search is as important as traditional search results.

Found on eweek."This is the first time ever any search engine has integrated the real-time Web into the results page," Singhal said.
Singhal may have forgotten that several niche search engines, such as Collecta and CrowdEye, offer real-time results. Also, Microsoft created Bing Twitter, a special site that surfaces Twitter tweets in real time.

An original post by


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