

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Google testing it's own phone

According to people familiar with the matter it has been reported that Google is testing it's own phone and could be ready for the market as early as next year.

The phone is called "Nexus One" and will be running on Android the phone IS that Google built. Unlike the way other phones are sold. google plans to sell the phone themselves online and users will have to choose which cellular devices they would like to use for the device separately.

"In a blog post Saturday, Google wrote it was sharing a new device running its Android operating system with employees to "experiment with new mobile features and capabilities."

This move marks a new beginning for Google into the world of direct sales.

There have also been reported sightings of the device

"A blog post from a Google executive on Saturday morning dropped hints that the company would release a Google Android phone of its own."

The Nexus One hardware is allegedly from HTC--from the same mold as the HTC Passion. Based on the current rumors, the Nexus One runs on the blazing fast Snapdragon processor, has a super high-resolution OLED touchscreen, and will be thinner than an iPhone.

Here's a pic of the phone. Credit goes to Corey O Brien via Twitter

An original post by


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