

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Google to launch "Living Stories"

Google is working on a new services that combines stories published in The New York Times and Washington post to make it easier for readers to follow evolving news stories.

"The "Living Stories" project introduced Tuesday marks Google Inc.'s latest attempt to frame itself as an ally of the ailing newspaper industry"

Google will now build stories based on importance and this may in some way help the ailing newspaper industry.

The concept of grouping articles by topic isn't new. Yahoo came up with its version, called Yahoo News Topics, two years ago. Here's Yahoo's page on "Google," for example. What's different is that Google sees publishers using Living Stories on their own websites, not just on Google. Here's an example from the Times of what a page about the war in Afghanistan looks like.

So with this Living Stories will help categorize a list of ongoing stories on a single page. Which in turn will help users follow updates in real-time all within a single page and this in turn will help publishers receive more traffic. 

Check out the Google "Living Stories" page here

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