

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Groom updates Twitter and Facebook account at the Alter

"It's official on Facebook, it's official in my book, Dana, you may kiss your bride." Watch the video here. And that is what precisely Dana Hanna did right from the alter. He whipped out his cell phone and updated his status right from there. Proclaiming that he was now married once the efficient pronounced them married.

"Hanna explains on YouTube that he did it for laughs and that the gag was a surprise to everybody in attendance except the minister. This would explain his wife’s look as he pulled “his” and “hers” cellphones from his tuxedo pockets."

If you're wondering what it is he tweeted from the altar, here it is: "Standing at the altar with @TracyPage where just a second ago, she became my wife! Gotta go, time to kiss my bride. #weddingday"

Really cool, don't you think!

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