

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

How to use Facebook search

In this topic we will cower how to use Facebook Search

Image courtesy hellohello.net.

When you click a search term in your search bar located on the top right hand corner you get  whole lot of results. With options as seen in the image above. These options are familiar to everyone who users Facebook search. The reason it is provided is to make your search experience richer and more effective. Yes when you click the web Results you can even search the web without leaving Facebook

So once you enter your search term and click enter by default people results are first but with the toolbar on the left you can now make your search experience much more targeted and explore Facebook a liitle more.

1. People. This is simple you want to see results of only people's profiles then you click on that option and get only profiles. Some people would also create profiles for their gadgets or companies and this is a sure way to find them.

2. Pages. Click on this option if you only need to find pages on Facebook that your looking for. Many people like to follow their favorite band, brand or best friends page. This option will let you explore only pages from all across Facebook.

3. Groups. Click on this option to find groups that you would like to join or just explore what people are doing with groups. You will be amazed at the creative way people are using groups. Also find some groups that you would like to be a part of. If you join a group to get the best out of it is to be an active member of the community and post to the group or add comments etc.

4. Applications. This option allows you to search for the best Apps on Facebook. Find new games, Apps for Facebook Twitter integration and what not. There are enough Application to satisfy the curiosity of all Facebook members.

5. Events. Want to find out what's happening in your city. Or are you simply planning an event then this is the option for you. This will also let you find good food joints near you.

6. We Results. Search the world wide web for answers without leaving Facebook. That is the whole idea. You never need to leave Facebook for anything.

7. Post by friends. You don't really have time to go through all the expanded threads on your homepage. Click here to see all the friends updates in a timeline. It's simple and fun and then you can choose to comments and find the most happening threads posted by your friends.

8. Posts by Everyone. Want a little Twitter on Facebook. This works much like the Twitter public timeline. Click on this to see what people are saying on Facebook. Follow a breaking story and see what people are saying about your favorite sport.

An original post by


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