

Monday, December 21, 2009

Intel announces Next-Gen Atom Platform

Intel has officially announced it's Next-Gen Atom platform. How this translates to the end uses is with this new configuration you will have longer battery life and improved system performance for nettops and netbooks. So for people buying Netbooks which are for the purpose of using the Internet and little else this will enhance the entire experience. 

Found on the official Intel Blog

The newest Intel Atom platform for netbooks consists of a new Intel® Atom™ processor, the N450, and a new low-power Intel® NM10 Express Chipset. For entry level desktop PCs, it consists of either the Intel® Atom™ processor D410 or the dual core D510, also paired with the Intel® NM10 Express Chipset. The Intel Atom processor was designed from the ground up for small devices and low power, and remains Intel's smallest chip, built on the company's 45nm high-k metal gate manufacturing process. The overall package, including chipset, just got smaller due to the increasing integration and 45nm manufacturing, which means smaller, more compact system designs, lower costs for OEMs and improved performance. 

Found on PCWorld

Netbooks are low-cost PCs characterized by small screens and keyboards, and are designed to surf the Internet and run basic applications like word processing. The category took off when Asus introduced the Eee PC in 2007, and today top vendors including Hewlett-Packard, Dell, Acer and Lenovo offer netbooks.
The Atom N450 will run at a clock speed of 1.66GHz, which is the same as an existing Atom N280 netbook chip. However, the improvements in the N450 come from the smaller chip size, achieved by integrating the graphics and memory controller into the CPU. The N450 will process multimedia faster and free up bandwidth for the processor to communicate with other components. Previously, the graphics and memory controller resided outside the CPU.

Found on Techtree

Intel Atom N450 would be capable of running latest Windows 7 and also support 720p graphics. Atom Pineview processors have integrated graphics and memory controller clubbed with the CPU on the same die. With 60 percent smaller size, this CPU offers 512kb cache and support for 667MHz DDR2 Memory. Along with the Intel NM10 Express chipset, the total power consumption comes to about 7 watts.

So in the coming months we can expect to see a whole new rage of Netbooks with the new Atom platform. All Netbooks available right now run on Atom and with the improved performance there will be a whole new range to choose from.

Netbooks have made life simpler and easier in that you don't need to store anything on your Netbook or Atom powered PC but on an external storage device and it works well for people on the go. If all you need to do is access e-mail and maybe update your blog. Netbooks are easy and fun. Plus it is light and small which makes it easier to carry and so mobility issues are much less. There is a whole rise in Netbook users with it's use and popularity slated for bigger growth.

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