

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Microsoft admits to Plurk Clone

Microsoft has admitted that it has indeed lifted code of micro blogging site plurk.

Microsoft on it's blog has said

The vendor has now acknowledged that a portion of the code they provided was indeed copied. This was in clear violation of the vendor’s contract with the MSN China joint venture, and equally inconsistent with Microsoft’s policies respecting intellectual property.

putting the blame squarely on the vendor and has said that they have suspended the service called Juku indefinitely They also said when then when Plurk blogged about the code lift it was the middle of the night in China and had to wait till the morning before their employees could come and do something about it. 

The whole incident has left them reeling from embarrassment. when one of the largest companies in the world can allow such things to happen in the first place. No matter whatever the outcome this is the good for Plurk what, with all the publicity.

An original post by


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