

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Microsoft donates child porn fighting weapon

Microsoft announced on Wednesday that it was unveiling a new software aimed at curbing and eliminating child porn. The system which is called PhotoDNA jointly developed by Microsoft and Dartmouth College.

How the system works is that it converts existing images into a mathematical pattern which can then be used to remove those images from other networks. It can even find images that match the initial phot even if it has been altered. It is called PhotoDNA because it works by extracting a signature from the picture which can be used to track other photos through their PhotoDNA code.

Microsoft has devoted the site microsoftphotodna.com with the title a Childhood for every child.

They are also asking people to replace your social profile with their campaign logo to help spread the word. So if you use Twitter, Facebook or Myspace your can add their logo to your site. We have a sample from their site below.

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