

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Microsoft offers Twitter-type service in China

Microsoft has launched a twitter-style service in China usings its MSN live service. The new service is called Juku Which is slang for "Cool" or "Gathering". This allows users to post messages within a stipulated 140 character limit. With old messages slowely scrolling along side Users can also see automatic updates of friends messages.

"MSN China, the Microsoft joint venture that developed the new product, insisted it is not a micro-blog service. "Juku is a local innovation developed by MSN China ... based on Windows Live Messenger networks," a company representative said in an e-mail."

It is reported that the service also allows users to play games and win prizes such as new face icons to post in messages. Users can also upload their profile picture and browse for people they know to add as friends.

Windows live messenger is popular in China and this could be a huge effort to win more people to use their instant messanger service. Micro blogging is very popular in China and there are a other players in this market whose services are popular. There is QQ that is very popular.

It is analyzed that Microsoft may be trying to enter into the social networking market to lower it's dependence on its instant messaging service. Although its 140 character is a dead give away about its Twitter origins.

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