

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

'Sexting' now part of Teen Culture

Sexting is jargon for sending nude or sexually suggestive text messages. According to a recently released survey by Pew Internet and American Life Project on "sexting" nearly one out of every six teens has received nude or partially nude photographs from someone they knew.

"The survey, released Tuesday, polled 800 people. It found that 15 percent of cell-phone-owning teens from ages 12 to 17 received explicit images by phone. Four percent said they sent out sexually explicit photos or videos.

It also said that older teens were more likely to send out sexting type messages. Also that boys and girls have equally engaged in sending out these messages.

With the rollout of multimedia messaging on the iPhone some parents are now wishing the feature was never available.

Well this is the kind of culture kids are growing up in now a days. Cell phones are important but with it comes other dangers and hazards. Like in the US if you posses a nude photograph of someone below 18 that becomes a felony.

Teens send these messages to partners or potential partners and the real danger lies when these same messages are forwarded to friends and friends of friends. This makes the situation ugly.

An original post by


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