

Thursday, December 10, 2009

T.V. shot to death after Saints beat the Redskins 33-30 in OT

A Louisiana man who bet against New Orleans Saints, has lost his 60-inch-high-definition TV to a firing squad. which has also made him an internet star.

"Wayne A. Spring told his friends that if New Orleans beat the Washington Redskins on Sunday, anyone who wanted could come to his house and shoot his television.
"I was a Saints fan, but used to be they never could win and I admit I was a fair-weather fan," Spring said on Thursday. "And there was all that 'Who-Datting' going on, online, so I just decided to go against the grain."
Things were looking good until the Saints tied the game and sent it into overtime.

As every football fan knows by now, the Saints tied the game and sent it into overtime before kicking the game-winning field goal.
About a dozen Saints fans, toting firearms and a case of beer, showed up at Spring's home in Albany, some 50 miles northwest of New Orleans, and shot up his TV in the back yard.

Spring put the video on YouTube and it has over 145,000 hits in three days.  Recommended audio soundtrack while viewing? Jeff Foxworthy's "You Might be a Redneck if... (you shoot up your TV over a football game)."

This video has been out for a few days, but the Associated Press caught up with the guy today

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