

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Twitter buys geo tracker firm Mixer Labs.

The misco-blogging site Twitter has announced that they have bought Mixer Labs, the makers of GeoAPI. This translates into Geo-location on Twitter. Now when users post content they can more accurately give a geographical location to the tweet. This is very helpful for people who are reporting incidents as and when they are Happening. User who are following these tweets will better understand and make sense of these tweets because they are being tweeted at some times from Ground-Zero.

Twitter had this to say.

The Mixer Labs crew has been working on harnessing the power of local information for a couple years and just recently launched GeoAPI, a comprehensive service for helping developers build geolocation-aware applications. As of today, they're part of Twitter and will be working to combine the contextual relevance of location to tweets. We want to know What's happening?, and more precisely, Where is it happening? As a dramatic example, twittering "Earthquake!" alone is not as informative as "Earthquake!" coupled with your current location.

An original post by


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