

Thursday, December 31, 2009

US Virtual Econmy is booming

With the boom in online gamers virtual currency is a market that is all set to boom. Gone are the days that 'Gamers' were connoted as a teen sitting in front of his console and playing for hours together. Today the average age of a gamer is 30 and these people have money to say. They are able to spend on virtual goods. Goods that do not really exist. Popular games on Facebook like Farmville and Mafia Wars sell goods to gamers in exchange for real hard cash.

Woman it appears are more heavy gamers than men and also try to hide this fact. They play it more to be in touch with family and friends. Social gaming is set to be the big thing in 2010. The BBC reported that the Virtual Gaming market in the US market would be $5 Billion over the next 5 years.

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