

Thursday, December 3, 2009

YouTube goes light as a Feather

Yes it's here. Google has launched an opt-in beta program of YouTube Feather. Designed to make your videos load faster and better.

"To help do so, the pared-down version of the site does away with many familiar features including the ability to rate and comment on videos, and also limits the number of loaded comments to ten"

Found on the YouTube blog.


Introducing Feather: A Lighter Way to Browse Videos

One of our priorities is ensuring that videos always load and playback quickly. However, a consequence of rolling out higher quality video, HD and, more recently, 1080p, is that playbacks might suffer if bandwidth or computer processing power is low. There are also a few countries where bandwidth is at a premium and videos can take several seconds to start playing.

 Take Feather for a test drive here.

Google has said they are going to monitor how feather perform before rolling it out to a larger audience.  This comes as a boon for those running slow PC's and slow internet connections. feather tries to make sure you are able to watch your videos the way you want to. Fast, fun and Easy.

An original post by


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