

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Advocacy group to travel the US to help curb distracted drivers

Distracted drivers in the US will now have a group to stop them. U.S transportation secretary Ray Lahood and Janet Froetscher, president of the National Safety Council, announced the creation of FocusDriven, the first nonprofit organization devoted to combating distracted driving and supporting victims of distracted drivers.

Janet Froetscher has lost her 9 years old daughter in 2008 who was killed by a distracted driver. She said that the driver was not driving fast maybe about 25 miles per hour but was distracted and on the phone. 

Stats according to ray Lahood revels that your four times more likely to crash if you on the phone while driving. 

So this advocacy group is going to travel across the country to persuade people to put their cell phones away while driving.

An original post by


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