

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Animal Lovers demand justice for Buddy on Facebook group.

Well the story so far.

On December 30, 2009 between 2:18 am and 4:30 am a German Shepherd named Buddy was dragged to death at the Colorado National Monument. Joan Anzelmo, superintendent of the monument, identified the suspect as Steven Clay Romero, 37, of Grand Junction.

She said Romero is alleged to have stolen the dog — Buddy, a German shepherd-blue heeler mix — from people in Delta. He allegedly took the dog to the Colorado National Monument early Wednesday, tied the dog to his truck and dragged the dog. Paw prints in the snow were found to show Buddy at first walking, then running, then dragging, for 3 miles. A surveillance video showed a truck entering the monument at 2:18 am with a dog in the bed of the truck, it showed the same truck leaving at 2:30 with no dog. Witnesses said Romero said he was going to kill the dog, another said he saw Romero leave the residence with the dog.
Romero faces one count of aggravated cruelty towards animals. If convicted, the penalty is a maximum of three years in federal prison and a fine of $100,000, and one year of mandatory parole.

Now the Facebook group has been set up to demand justice for Buddy and a petition site has also been set up. Animal lovers have been moved to tears as the story of Buddy unfolded. There are already about 7,500 members who have already joined the group. Animal lovers have come out in full force on the FB page to share what they feel about this whole incident. Many of whom have also signed the petition.

An original post by


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