

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Apple's complaint against Nokia in the ongoing Apple Nokia War

Nokia had files a complaint against Apple claiming it infringed on it's copyrights. Apple not to be outdone hit back at them saying that Nokia also infringed on Apple's copyrights. Thus ensuring a way between the cell phone giants. 

Found on cnet

Apple made its request in a complaint filed with the International Trade Commission, an independent federal agency that examines issues including unfair trade practices involving patent, trademark, and copyright infringement.

In December, Nokia filed its own complaint with the USITC in Washington. In it, the Finnish company alleged that Apple infringes seven Nokia patents "in virtually all of its mobile phones, portable music players, and computers" and sought to ban imports of Apple's iPhoneiPod, and MacBook products.

Responding to Apple's latest move, Nokia spokesman Mark Durrant told Bloomberg that "Nokia will study the complaint when it is received and continue to defend itself vigorously. However this does not alter the fact that Apple has failed to agree appropriate terms for using Nokia technology and has been seeking a free ride on Nokia's innovation since it shipped the first iPhone in 2007."

Apple filed the new ITC complaint on Friday.

"Nokia will study the complaint when it is received and continue to defend itself vigorously," said a company spokesman.

"However, this does not alter the fact that Apple has failed to agree appropriate terms for using Nokia technology and has been seeking a free ride on Nokia's innovation since it shipped the first iPhone in 2007," he said.

In late December Nokia also filed a claim with the ITC, alleging Apple infringed seven of its patents in "virtually all of its mobile phones, portable music players, and computers" sold.

"The fact that two such prominent companies have now filed complaints will likely mean the ITC will seek to deal with this as a matter of urgency," said Ben Wood, head of research at British consultancy CCS Insight.

"That said, a lengthy legal battle is almost inevitable irrespective of a decision from the trade commission," he said.

The ITC can ban selling products in the United States -- a market crucial for Apple, but Nokia makes only a fraction of its sales there.

Analysts say it could take years to solve the legal battle.


Nokia filed a suit in the United States in October, saying Apple iPhone had infringed 10 patents in technologies including wireless data transfer, a key factor in the success of iPhone. The suit accused Apple of trying to hitch a "free ride" on Nokia's technology investment. [ID:nLM664007]


Apple filed a countersuit on Dec. 11 claiming that Nokia is infringing 13 Apple patents. [ID:nN11260646]

"Other companies must compete with us by inventing their own technologies, not just by stealing ours," Bruce Sewell, Apple's General Counsel, said in a statement.

Nokia has until Feb. 8 to reply to the countersuit.


On Dec. 29 Nokia said it had filed a complaint with the ITC alleging that Apple infringes seven Nokia patents in "virtually all of its mobile phones, portable music players, and computers" sold. [ID:nLDE5BS173]

At the same time Nokia also filed a case at a Delaware court seeking damages for infringement of these patents. [ID:nLDE6040E9]


Apple filed on Jan. 15 a complaint against Nokia with the ITC. Nokia said it would defend itself vigorously.

An original post by


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