

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

AT&T to launch Android based phones

AT&T used CES to announce a push into the Android and PalmOS Smartphone markets. Confirming that it would release 5 Google Based Android headsets and and two webOS handsets in 2010. Which would include Motorola, HTC and Dell's first ever smartphone - the mini 3. The company would also like to go ahead with an App's market and make a foray into App's that are convenient for everyone to use.

It brings about a speculation because the company also know it exclusive deal with the iPhone may well come to an end. Maybe they are preparing for that eventuality. It is just a speculation at this stage of course.

There is also good news from the company with respect to consumers who prefer just basic lower end models. Of yes there is a huge market for people who want a phone to simply make calls or send text messages. AT&T will be launching a new mobile development platform called BREW. Through an agreement with Qualcomm the company will launch BREW - a new mobile development platform. For quick messaging devices. The first BREW - Based quick messaging device will arrive from Samsung in the later half of 2010. With LG and Pantech signed up to deliver their devices in 2011.

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