

Friday, January 8, 2010

Facebook launches Fellowship program for PhD students

Another silicon valley company following the tested and tried method of offering fellowships to Ph.D students doing computer science has just gotten underway. Facebook has announced their fellowship program. How does the industry keep up with new ideas originating out of academia.Companies really want to tap into this source and keep their fingers on the pulse. Get involved, that's how. Facebook with this new program applicable to students doing their Ph.D does not want to be left out of some great ideas and latest know-how.

The program was created to support graduate programs for the year 2010 -2011

Award Details.

  • Tuition and fees will be paid for the academic year.

  • $30K stipend (paid over 9 months of the academic year).

  • $5K per year toward conference attendance and travel.

  • $5K toward a personal computer.

  • Opportunity to apply for a paid summer internship.

  • Recipients are responsible for the taxation on any funds.

  • Internet Economics: auction theory and algorithmic game theory relevant to online advertising auctions.

  • Cloud Computing: storage, databases, and optimization for computing in a massively distributed environment.

  • Social Computing: models, algorithms and systems around social networks, social media, social search and collaborative environments.

  • Data Mining and Machine Learning: learning algorithms, feature generation, and evaluation methods to produce effective online and offline models of behavioral signals.

  • Systems: Hardware, operating system, runtime, and language support for fast, scalable, efficient data centers.

  • Information Retrieval: search algorithms, information extraction, question answering, cross-lingual retrieval and multimedia retrieval

Eligibility Criteria

  • Full-time Ph.D. students in topical areas represented by these fellowships who are currently involved in on-going research.

  • Students must be in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, System Architecture, or a related area.

  • Students must be enrolled during the academic year that the Fellowship is awarded.

  • Students must be nominated by a faculty member.

An original post by


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