

Monday, January 11, 2010

Facebook users try to Save the Woodland Park Nocturnal House

The nocturnal house of the woodland park zoo has announced that it is going to close due to budget constraints.

Zoo President and CEO Deborah Jensen said the zoo had to make tough financial decisions to cut $800,000. It plans to lay off 12 employees and close the Nocturnal House. The exhibit was one of the biggest energy users at the zoo and the animals will be easy to move when the exhibit closes. Some of the animals will remain at the zoo, and some will go to other zoos.

Closing the exhibit will save the zoo $300,000, said zoo officials. The zoo's operating budget is $30 million a year."It was a very hard decision to make," Jensen said. "None of us are happy about it."

Scot Gifford launched a Facebook group to help the Zoo change it's mind.

"It's not closed 'til it's closed," said Gifford, who hopes his organized effort will prompt the zoo to change its mind.

Below is description found on his group. As of writing this article there are already over 14,000 members. All the best Scot

The Zoo is planning on shutting down the Nocturnal House and that is not good. It is by far the best exhibit at the zoo and is pretty unique. While times are tough, we need to not lose the things that make the Zoo so great. For many this is their only chance to actually see the wonderful creatures that inhabit the nighttime world. What better way to turn fear into fascination and apathy to respect then to show creatures, many of whom live right under our noses, in a great approximation of their natural habitat doing what they do.

Please join this group and show support for finding alternatives to closing down this important and fascinating exhibit.

You could also make a donation to the zoo and state that it is for saving the Nocturnal House. A monthly one even that you will stop if they do shut it down. Show them that we not only love the Nocturnal House, but are willing to step up and help with the cost of maintaining it.

Please also contact the Zoo and let them know how much the Nocturnal House means to you. Tell the person who sells you tickets, tell the staff, send an email, make a phone call, send them a letter, anything that lets them know that this is a big part of why you love and visit the zoo.

Save the vampire bats!!!

An original post by


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