

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Four Real-Time search engines redefining Search

What is so special about Real-time search engines and how are the different from traditional  search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo. Well real-time search engines are specialized and stick mostly to real time content. So as apposed to traditional search engines that will mix their data with real-time results. Real-time search engines can go much deeper. They can find you user comments from blogs, tweets, status updates and what not. They primary focus is to bring you the internet in real time and therefore are becoming popular to people who want to follow what's happening as it happens. Let's look at a few

1. Collecta. When you go to their home page they have a list of the most happening topics from around the web with links for you to go directly to that story. If you enter a search query they immediately look up your query in Stories as in blog posts, comments in blog posts, updates from Twitter, Jaiku, Identica. Photos from Twitpic, yfrog and Flickr. Videos from YouTube and Ustream. This gives you a complete coverage of the real-time topic you want to look for. If you want to look only for photos then just click the box next to photos and you will find photos being posted in Real-time relating to your topic of search.

2. SocialMention. Says on their website that they are like Google Alerts but for social Media. You can use their search bar but you also need to use the drop down menu to specify the media in which you want your search to be conducted. The drop down menu includes blogs, videos, pics, comments events etc. You can also create a alert for an 'Term' you would like to track. maybe the name of your company, developing news story or the latest celebrity gossip.

They also give you an average of the types of blog post in relation to some sort of EQ. This is what we got when searching for Haiti in Blogs.









1 minutes avg. per mention

last mention just now

52 unique authors


3. Searh.Infoaxe.com. The funny thing about this real-time search engine is that they specialize in the latest happenings around the web based on a topic. e.g you can type a bread topic like shopping, deals, movies, sitcoms, ebooks etc and they bring you the latest. Once you click the search button you can then displayed results in a bifurcated page. The left half will show you real-time results while the right side will show your the latest results fro Google. And a whole list of keywords on the top of the page to help you narrow down your search. This is a very good idea and helps people who are looking for let's say a nice shopping deal but don't know what they really want. Kind of like window shopping on the internet all in real-time. Nice

4. Yauba. This search engine goes straight to the point. You can enter your search query and by default search in all places and you get your answers. Their search is also "Privacy Safe" (Your safe from Cookies, recording privacy info and Third Party websites).

The results for your answers can be quiet staggering. Once you click enter after your query your are show results from, Internet Sites, Real-Time Search, Mainstream News, Social News, Blogs, Images, Videos, PDF, Word, Powerpoint and Social Networks.

You can narrow down your search by clicking on the 'More' button on the kind of media you want to see answers from, e.g only Video results.

An original post by


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