

Friday, January 22, 2010

How to advertise on Facebook.

You would first need to go to http://www.facebook.com/advertising/ to prepare your Ad. Also there is a step by step guide to help you better prepare before placing your Ad. Here is the quick overview of the 4 step process that is followed by Facebook to place and Ad on their site.

Steps to create Facebook Ads

1. Click on the Create an Ad Link

Add your website address, Title, and Text. This needs to be chosen carefully because you really want people to see your ad and click on it. Just seeing your ad is not enough. Make it as engaging as possible so users would feel a need to click on it. Or maybe even click the like button under the Ad. This ads more value to your Ad. The more likes you have under the ad the more other people are going to consider it interesting

2. Choose Your Target Audience

There are a lot of options carefully go through it and choose who you would like to see your ad. Starting from which country you would like your target audience to be living in. Should they be college Grads on undergrads. Which Keywords you would like your Ad to be shown for. Should they be in a relationship or not be in a relationship. Should they be friends of yours or friends of your friends. All of this will help you narrow down your Ad to make sure it is reaching your target audience. You don't want to spend money on clicks that are irrelevant.

We suggest your spend time at this section and go through all your options. Also try to get a study done on the most important keywords. what are FB users searching for the most and try to fit your Ad into those keywords.

If you do not want to use a certain option just leave it blank.

3. Campaigns and Pricing.

You can now choose between Pay Per Click (CPC) also known as Cost Per Click and Pay Per Impressions (CPM) also know as Pay per Thousand Impression. Or Pay per mile  (Thousand)

In CPC you only pay when a user click an AD in CPM you pay for 1000 impression of your AD. So you decide what suits your campaign better do you want users to actually click on your Ad and visit your site or are you just trying to make users awar of something and spreading the word.

The Minimum cost per day in the US is $ 1. You would also need to specify how long you would like your Ad to run for before paying them.

4. Review Ad. make sure everyting is in order before filling up your Credit Card details. Once you are satisfied click on the Place Order button and your done.

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