

Saturday, January 16, 2010

How to find the latest Facebook games.

Facebook is in many ways synonymous with Social Gaming, and Facebook users are always trying to find out the latest game to try their hands at. There are new games being added constantly and some become popular while other don't.

It would surprise many to know that women are equally addicted to these games as men. A gamer with the advent of social sites is no more a geek in front of a console but people who are well settled in their jobs and playing social games. Some of the popular games are Mafia Wars, Farmville and Petville. People are willing to pay real currency for virtual points and the revenue to be generated from virtual gaming in the future could be upwards of 10 billion USD.

Social games are not restricted to any one country and come from all countries of the world. And what keeps people coming back to virtual games is the ability to play against their friends who could be scattered across the globe.

Facebook does have a list or directory of these games that is easily accessible to all. A directory where you can go through the complete list of games and choose to play new ones that you had not previously tried before. By accessing this list your can choose between new games, most popular, games recommenced by Facebook, Features by Facebook, Recently Added or Applications your may like. To find this list please click the link here.

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