

Monday, January 18, 2010

How to use Geotagging on Twitter

What is Geotagging?

Geotagging is the ability to add location to your tweets. This helps you in various ways by adding context top your tweets, Join a local conversation. Find out about restaurants close to where you are. These are a few examples of the ways in which people are using the Geotagging feature.

Is Geotagging automatic to all my tweets?

No. if you want to add Geotagging you will need to opt in. By default it is turned off and you will need to turn this feature on.

How do I turn on Geotagging?

Go to your settings page and tick the check box next to Enable Geotagging

How do I turn off this feature and delete all my tweets which had Geotagging?

From the settings page. Uncheck the box next to Geotagging and click the button that says 'Delete all location data". This process can take upto 30 minutes. Alternatively if you need to delete just a single tweet that has Geolocation delete that single tweet.

How do I enable Geotagging on my Twitter client ? ( Tweetie 2, Tweetdeck for iPhone, Twidroid etc)

You need to turn on Geotagging on your App as well as on your Twitter settings page for it to work.

How do I search for Geotagged Tweets?

You would need to go to Twitter Advanced Search. And find the option to search for people near you or the place you want to see location-based tweets from.

Near this place

Within this distance

miles kilometers

Alternatively you could also use search operators as provided and defined by Twitter.

near:NYC within:15mi sent within 15 miles of "NYC".

With a host of different combionations as show below. You can mix and match till you find what you want. Please find a list of Search operatos below

Search Operators

You can type these search operators directly into the search box. (Alternatively, you can use the advanced search form to automatically construct your query.)

Finds tweets...

twitter search
containing both "twitter" and "search". This is the default operator.

"happy hour"
containing the exact phrase "happy hour".

love OR hate
containing either "love" or "hate" (or both).

beer -root
containing "beer" but not "root".

containing the hashtag "haiku".

sent from person "alexiskold".

sent to person "techcrunch".

referencing person "mashable".

"happy hour" near:"san francisco"
containing the exact phrase "happy hour" and sent near "san francisco".

near:NYC within:15mi
sent within 15 miles of "NYC".

superhero since:2010-01-18
containing "superhero" and sent since date "2010-01-18" (year-month-day).

ftw until:2010-01-18
containing "ftw" and sent up to date "2010-01-18".

movie -scary :)
containing "movie", but not "scary", and with a positive attitude.

flight :(
containing "flight" and with a negative attitude.

traffic ?
containing "traffic" and asking a question.

hilarious filter:links
containing "hilarious" and linking to URLs.

news source:twitterfeed
containing "news" and entered via TwitterFeed

An original post by


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