

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

How to use # hashtags on Twitter

Hashtagging was started on Twitter as a way to keep track of certain topics and add your own comments. A way for Twitter users to organize themselves. There are many rules being posted online as to their use. But more than all that it is a fairly simple feature. Supposing you would like to create a buzz around a certain topic. Choose you topic carefully. maybe it as an event that you would like other Twitter users to join and spread the word. A key to remember there should not be any spaces between your hashtag # and the word or small phase you have come up with.

Below are a few examples

1. #Iranelection. This was one of the most famous topics in 2009 with millions of people sharing and finding out more information on the elections in Iran. So if you wanted to see the latest news on the Iran Election all you had to do was to use Twitter search and type the keyword as "Iranelection' and all tweets on the public timeline would be displayed.

2. #nowplaying Another Twitter favorite. Users show the rest of the world what music they are listening to right at this moment. This is a great way to discover new music or if you want to promote an artist you like this would be a great way to do it. before you share the artisits music simple start your tweet with the hashtag (#nowplaying)

3. #FollowFriday. Another favorite this is a great way to recommend users to other Twitter users to follow. Since you have benefited from one user and would like to recommend to other people. Somewhere in your tweet use the hashtag #FollowFriday

4. Creating your own personal hashtag. Now that you have seen how other users have created hashtags that have become so popular that they become trending topics. Always append your hashtag with # to identify it and followed by the word or combination of words. e.g if you want to announce your garage sale you could probably create a hastag like #SaleGarage. Just an example

You need to choose everything carefully to make sure it does not overlap with another hashtag with the same words.

It's really a simple thing actually and the more you get used to it the more it becomes easier to understand and easier to use. Please post comments if you would like to discuss this further

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