

Friday, January 15, 2010

Microsoft to Stay in China, will also look into the fixing any vulnerabilities in IE

Microsoft's Steve Ballmer said that they will stay in China. To see Steve Ballmer talk about it please click the video link here.

However, his hopes for China to produce growing revenue for the company seem to hinge on a thorny issue: a reduction of piracy and intellectual-property theft.
"China ought to be a source of growth," Ballmer said. "Intellectual-property protection in China is very, very bad. Abysmal. ... We're buying a lot of goods from China but the things that U.S. companies can sell -- pharmaceutical products, media, software -- it's all intellectual property and design, and that stuff's not getting paid for in China. It's got to change."

http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,0,0" >

CEO Steve Ballmer told CNBC that his company will look into a report that a flaw in Microsoft's Internet software allowed China to launch a cyber attack on Google's operations in that country.

Ballmer was responding to a report by the Internet security company McAfee that Microsoft's Internet Explorer allowed China to allegedly hack into Google email in an attempt to spy on Chinese dissidents. The alleged attack prompted Google to threaten to pull out of the country entirely. "The cyber attacks and occasional vulnerabilities are a way of life and if the issue is with us, of course we will work through it with all the important parties," Ballmer said in a live interview. "We need to take a all cyber attacks, not just this one seriously and we have a whole team of people that responds very real-time to any report that may have something to do with our software, which we don't yet."

An original post by


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