

Friday, January 22, 2010

#OMGFacts Twitter Trend and Controversy.

16 year old Adorion Deck who started the @omgfacts page located here. http://twitter.com/omgfacts. in September of 2009 and amassed more that 300k+ followers spoke with ABC news. 

Deck mined the internet and started posting little know facts about everything from celebs to electronics and just about everything. He was followed by all kinds of people who enjoyed his daily dose of #OMGFacts

But on Monday, Twitter taught the high school junior a lesson he'll never forget. After he posted a controversial Tweet on Dr. martin Luther King

MLK Post Creates 'Firestorm' of Criticism

"Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. spent his last night on Earth having sex with two women," he posted.

And with that, the barbs started to fly.

"Unfollow @OMGFacts for their crude tweet about Martin Luther King Jr yesterday!," posted one tweeter.

"What a disrespectful way to dishonor MLK," posted another.

After realizing what he had done he deleted the Tweet and temporarily deleted his twitter account. It is now back up but no updates #OMGFacts will be an a hiatus he said.

He later said that all this success had got to his head and had started saying things to the public without thinking about things first. Twitter has taught him a lesson if you have people following you you better be aware of what you say and make sense of it too. You just don't throw things at people and think it will all be in good humor or anything close to it. 

This is a lesson for all Twitter users I guess. Twitter gives you success and you had better handle it with care. 

Source: ABC News

An original post by


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