

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Same-Sex marriage trial to be aired on YouTube

The public will have access to a court room trial challenging the constitutionality of proposition 8. The ban an same sex marriage in California. 

Chief Judge Vaughn Walker and the U.S court of appeals for the 9th circuit ruled on Wednesday against airing the proceedings on live television but allowed it to be uploaded to YouTube a few hours later. 

Two gay couples filed a lawsuit last May challenging the constitutionality of Proposition 8. Their lawyers, former Bush administration Solicitor General Theodore Olson and David Boies, who represented former Vice President Al Gore in the U.S. Supreme Court case that decided the 2000 presidential race, argue that the ban violates the 14th Amendment.

The non jury trial is to being on the 11th in San Francisco. The rare decision to allow recording of the proceeding was allowed after intense media pressure. 

Opponents of the ban say it improperly altered the state's Constitution to restrict a fundamental right guaranteed in the state charter.
Ban supporters say Californians long have had the right to change their state Constitution through ballot initiatives.

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