

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Staten Island man threatens suicide on Facebook and goes through with it.

Here is another sad ending Facebook story of a St. George man who hanged himself after posting on his wall his intentions. It seems he did not really give anyone time to react and when his friends started calling his cell phone there was no answer. 911 was also called and by the time they  reached he had gone through with his threat.

Found the below extract on silive and think they put everything down so clear into words I have pasted it below

A St. George man hanged himself this afternoon, sources say, moments after posting his intentions on his public Facebook.com profile.

William Rodriguez posted the following on the social networking site:

"fdny wants to fire me. I didn't do what they said I did. met an old friend at bhs said they want my job I should have listened to her. When I take my meds I'm manic when I don't I'm severly depressed like I am now. I see planes crashing into buildings in my dreams and I wake up in cold sweats. I can't go on anymore. I just hung myself"

The note sparked a series of panicked messages from his Facebook friends:

Joe DE Lucia Jr.:
Willie if u need to talk to someone pls call me. I will email u my cell number to your fb in box. Hang in guy. Your friend. Joe bags

Christina Frank:
what the [expletive]??? i don't like this!!! i'm calling you now

Richard Fox:
willie that's nothing to play with,

Richard Fox:
if you need somebody to talk to reach out

Christina Frank:
answer your cell!!!!!

Richard Fox:
don't screw around here, willie answer me!

Richard Fox:
[expletive] christina might you know where he is?

Richard Fox:
willie answer your cellphone now

Jerry Rosenthal:
will call me

Rocco Cassetta:
Willie dontyou [expletive] around like this. I worked with you 3 years and I know sometimes you say stuff you don't mean in anger and frustration. Please someone get over to this guys house fortwith!!!!!

Meril Trilling:
Willy pick up your phone.........this is not funny......call me ...we can talk.....i am here for you!!!!!!!

Christina Frank:
I already called 911, i'm not waiting around to see if this is a joke. I hope the address on his profile is correct.

Penina Scullion:
He's needed his broken into in the past. Take him SERIOUSLY.

Rocco Cassetta:
Someone call. 911 and knock his goddamned door down

Penina Scullion:
Did anyone call the tour commander...I have no phone numbers anymore, but I've gone through this with him many years b4...do NOT want to see him succeed this time.

Meril Trilling:
OMG WILLY WHAT DID U DO???????????????

Christina Frank:
pray for him now, dear God, i hope he's at peace now

Penina Scullion:
Willie, so sorry that you could not get through this...you fought with this for so many years.

Rocco Cassetta:
What do you mean he's at peace!!!!!!!!!

Rocco Cassetta:
What happened!!!

Meril Trilling:
OMG I AM SO SICK........

Christina Frank:
i'm sorry, so sorry, he has passed.

Meril Trilling:
I called the tour commander as soon as i saw this.....they sent someone to his house and found him.....omg...i wish i got to him before he did this .......

Richard Fox:
we all wish that meril and christina, hang on tight!

Patti Gren Parra:
Rest now, Willie....

Richard Fox:
can we all give each other a lot of love ? i m so saddened, bless you all

Jim Scullion:

Lisa Lopez:
R I P Willie we'll miss you.

Suh San Aronberg:
RIP Willie...soo sorry this had to happen...

Meril Trilling:
R.I.P. Willie, I truly hope you are at peace now..I love you my Friend!

Tanya Moreau:
Omg this is crazy I'm so lost for words wth happened

Kevin Haugh:
On my God what terrible news, May he now be finally at peace. May the angels take you to your lofty and rightful place.

An original post by


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