Sunday, January 3, 2010

Students from elite schools join raciest group.

A race hate group on Facebook now has members from Australia's elite schools. The group calls itself "Mate speak English, you're in Australia Now" and has a logo of the Aussie flag with the caption 'F** off we're full". With a Group Description saying " if you want to speak your crappy language, go back to where you came from" 

The group at present does not have any Admins as all the admins left. The last one said it was started as a joke when his friends heard immigrants speaking different languages on the train. Once he caught on that the postings were becoming raciest he exited the group. Saying that he had friends from different ethnic backgrounds.

The group is against immigrants.

One student posting on the page, who says he is from Melbourne's Xavier College, has challenged the college's principal to expel him for joining the group.

Dr Chris Hayes, Principal of Xavier College, said anyone who had joined the group had broken the school's rules.
"The school abhors this sort of behaviour because it goes against everything the school stands for," he said.
Principal Ross Bevege of Berwick Secondary College said the site was disgusting and offensive and that he had contacted a student's parents about his involvement.
Since there are no admins left on the group it is now upto Facebook to delete it.

An original post by


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